Cigar Aficionado Premier cigar magazine featuring searchable databases of cigar ratings, tasting notes, cigar friendly restaurants and
tobacconists around the world.
Cigar City Magazine explores Tampa's early years as a city of diverse cultures and the cigar capital of the world.
Cigar Diary Online database of cigar reviews and tasting notes.
Cigar Inspector Detailed cigar reviews, ratings and descriptions.
Cigar Life Onlne magazine featuring cigar news, new products, events calendar, humor, cigar bars, restaurants, and tobacconists worth
CigarJack.net Cigar news and review blog.
Cigar Pass Large online cigar communitie, with membership worldwide. Members could trade cigars as well as meet up with one another
in their local home towns.
Cuban Cigars Reviews Complete guide to Cuban cigars. Includes thousands of user submitted reviews, history, smoking guide, and top rated cigards.
Dominican Cigar Review Dedicated to cigars produced in the Dominican Republic. Providing reviews, news and other information of what is happening
in the tobacco world.
The Facts Are smokers really hurting every stranger in the vicinity? Site provides the facts about second hand smoke.
Holysmoke Contains calendar of events, info on choosing and storing cigars, profiles of cigar manufacturers, cigar reviews, cigar
friendly establishments, more.
In Defense of Smokers Book by Lauren A. Colby "shows that the case against tobacco, cigarette and cigar smokers is based upon lies and propaganda".
Pipes and Tobacco Magazine dedicated to the celebration of pipe collecting, tobacco, and all things related to the hobby of pipe smoking.
Smoke Magazine Lifestyle magazine for the cigar and pipe enthusiast. Features searchable cigar reviews database, cigar stories and a
SmokeShop Magazine for tobacco retailing industry.
Stogie Guys Provides daily cigar news, reviews, and commentary.
Tobacco Reporter Cigarettes and tobacco magazine for global tobacco industry including leaf, filters, cigarette papers, machinery, cigars,
supplies and legislation.
Town & Country 11 issues per year Town & Country magazine offers the latest in luxury living from
beautiful homes to exotic vacations. In each issue of Town & Country magazine find articles on fashion, arts and entertainment,
fine dining and home design.
The ultimate insiders' guide to Southern culture, recipes, travel, and events. Packed with
recipes, decorating tips, entertaining ideas, and travel guides,
Cowgirl Live the cowgirl dream. Western fashion and jewelry. Horses, tack and luxury travel,
Amazing homes and interiors.
Palm Beach Illustrated Palm Beach's most established and respected magazine, Palm Beach Illustrated
is the authority on the luxury lifestyle and all the people, places and events.
Palm Beach Gardens Lifestyle There's no shortage of outdoor activities in Palm Beach County. ... to energy- efficient
cars, sustainable practices are becoming more present in everyday life.
The Palm Beacher focuses on affluent living in the Palm Beaches and features the area's best in terms of dining, real
estate, fashion/style, business trends, and celebrities. The Palm Beacher is published 10 times a year.
Preta Reporter Hollywood fashion, beauty and news from the inside. Preta Flannery, Powerstylist. From Hollywood
Upscale Living 4 issues per year
Upscale Living magazine is a luxury lifestyle magazine catering
to those with descerning taste. Experience the difference with Upscale Living magazine featuring the best in the world of
luxury from arts & entertainment, travel destinations home decor, culinary gadgets, automoblies and much more.
An upscale, affluent journey to everything VEGAS. Vegas Magazine speaks to the heartbeat of Las Vegas, speaks of sizzling
entertainment, sexy fashion, hot clubs and celebrities. It's Vegas' pulse. It's Vegas' passion. It's VEGAS PERFECT!
10 Magazine is an aspirational luxury and beauty magazine for women from the UK . Each issue of 10 Magazine provides
a voice for fashion journalism and an environment for the fashion industry's most creative photographers and writers to evolve,
express and display their ideas.
10 Men magazine, a men fashion magazine from the UK, features interviews and profiles of international fashion designers,
each accompanied by dozens of color and B&W photographs.
ANOTHER MAN mixes credible modern icons with art, music, high impact fashion photography and strong opinionated writing
by key cultural voices. A magazine for men who like their lifestyle rocked with passion and intelligence, luxury and a sense
of adventure.
Architectural Digest is the ultimate guide to exquisite architecture and design. Take a tour of the world's most beautiful
homes through striking photography and fascinating prose in Architectural Digest. Special issues include "Before & After"
and "Designers Own Homes."
Offering insightful information on topics ranging from top hair care products to critical issues like global warming,
City Life aims to keep you and your family up-to-date and well informed. Enjoy a selective and tasteful approach to beauty
essentials, travel destinations and much more.
With the tagline of tropical living & interior design, Cocotraie magazine delivers travel destinations mixed in with
architectural and home design delights. From the Caribbean to South East Asia, the tropics of the world are covered with style
and panache.
With an informative editorial and a beautiful design, Dolce Vita caters to those who have a fine-tuned taste for luxurious
treasures. From the latest in high-fashion and automobile finds, to glamorous travel destinations and beauty must-haves, Dolce
Vita is the ultimate guide to the sweet life.
Domino Domino for top brands in home decor and be inspired by celebrity homes and famous interior designers.
Domino is yoiur guide to living in style.
Golf Getaways magazine is devoted to golf travel and the lifestyle elements surrounding it. Each issue of Golf Getaways
features the best destinations, top resorts, tastiest restaurants, latest fashions, hottest gear and most fascinating personalities,
plus it highlights several regions of the United States with bonus international and events coverage, while the winter Getaways
special issue goes across the nation and globe to help you plan a year's worth of golfing adventure.
Inked magazine is a men's lifestyle magazine with a focus on rebellious luxury. Inked magazine embraces with no restrictions,
the contemporary man's interests, from tattoos and fashion to gadgets, entertainment and more fashion.
Islands magazine explores the world of islands. Islands magazine is devoted to covering destinations, adventures and
dreams and features include island lifestyles, art, food and history.
Luxure is a combination of timeless and distinctive design, beautiful photography and creative writing.
QP magazine is devoted to fine watches. Each issue concentrates on one manufacturer so make a great collectable series,
published in London.
Robb Report magazine is a luxury lifestyle magazine. Each issue of Robb Report magazine brings readers the best life
has to offer with features on exotic automobiles, boats, exclusive travel destinations, jewelry and other luxuries.
ROLLACOASTER is a luxury triennial, which offers a colourful, industry-leading perspective on all things fashion, beauty,
music, film, TV and youth culture.
Saveur magazine shows you around the places that have given birth to the world's great foods. Savor both the humble offerings
of provincial cafes and the haute cuisine of elegant three-star restaurants in each issue of Saveur magazine.
Square Mile is the luxury lifestyle monthly for the City of London. It delivers high-quality design and highly relevant
editorial from the very best in the business.
SUPER MOTORS previews and reviews the world's strongest, fastest and newest models of Super Sportscar (SSC), Super Sports-Sedan
(SSS)/ Gran Turismo (GT), Super Sedan (SS), Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV), Multi-Passenger Utility Vehicle (MUV), Super Motorbike
(SB), Super Classic (SC), Super Tuned (ST) and Super Green Car (SGC).
Tatler UK is a comprehensive fashion & lifestyle publication. The current incarnation, founded in 1901, focuses on
the glamorous lives and lifestyles of the upper class
Unique Homes magazine is your guide to high end real estate for sale across the country and around the world. Each issue
of Unique Homes magazine showcases the best and most comprehensive collection of luxury homes and estates available for purchase.
Vanity Fair International news, fashion, society, scandal, real estate and more, filtered through the exclusive prism
of Vanity Fair.
Veranda Veranda Magazine contains stunning photography of homes and gardens. If you enjoy browing through
pictures for decorating ideas, this is a great magazine for you.
Gold Coast of CT
Fairfield County
The Metropolitan Museum of Art was founded on April 13, 1870, The mission of The
Metropolitan Museum of Art is to collect, preserve, study, exhibit, and stimulate appreciation for and advance knowledge of
works of art that collectively represent the broadest spectrum of human achievement at the highest level of quality, all in
the service of the public and in accordance with the highest professional standards.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store specializes in exhibition catalogues, art books, jewelry and sculpture
reproductions, and other museum gifts based on the more than two million works of art in the Metropolitan Museum's rich and
varied collection. Whether shopping online, through our catalogue, or in our stores, discover more than 2,500 unique museum
presents such as scarves, watches, stationery, calendars, holiday items and more inspired by original works of art and artifacts
from around the world and across the centuries